Thanks to all that attended our May professional learning, hosted by our own Chapter President, Alex Taves. The focus was on Restorative Practices in the Classroom. Creating a safe and healthy learning environment is vital in developing students’ well-being and academic success. We would also like to congratulate those that had perfect attendance at our KDP AES Chapter meetings for the 2023-2024 school year. These members received a certificate and KDP lanyard.
AES chapter has a Facebook group! It is a closed group for inducted chapter members only. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in the link. This is a great way to connect with other AES members and share great information and celebrations!
Check out our Instagram page @kdp.wgu. Follow and feel free to tag us in your posts!
Chapter Awards
· Perfect Attendance Award
This award is available to all members. This will be given to all those who attend each of our meetings every other month (either live or via recording) and complete the attendance survey within a week of the meeting. Those receiving the perfect attendance award will be given a prize at the end of the school year.
· Leadership Award
This award is given to committee members who stand out for their contributions to the chapter. Members receiving this award will have their choice of receiving KDP honor regalia or a $50 gift card to the KDP store.
· Perfect Attendance Award
This award is available to all members. This will be given to all those who attend each of our meetings every other month (either live or via recording) and complete the attendance survey within a week of the meeting. Those receiving the perfect attendance award will be given a prize at the end of the school year.
· Leadership Award
This award is given to committee members who stand out for their contributions to the chapter. Members receiving this award will have their choice of receiving KDP honor regalia or a $50 gift card to the KDP store.
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