Article I – The Chapter
Section 1 Name
The designation for the Western Governors University Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter.
Section 2 Purpose
The purpose of the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is to promote excellence in and recognition of outstanding contributions to education. Kappa Delta Pi shall endeavor to maintain a high degree of professional fellowship among its members, to quicken professional growth, and to honor achievement in educational work. To these ends, it shall invite to membership persons who exhibit commendable professional qualities, worthy educational ideals, and sound scholarship, without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, or disability.
Section 3 Chapter Year
The chapter year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.
Section 4 Authority
In all matters of organization and procedures, the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rituals of the International Society of Kappa Delta Pi shall have precedence and should be consulted.
Section 5 Motto
The motto of the chapter shall be “Advancement-Education-Study” explained as follows:
Advancement - As we will spend our life advancing ourselves and our students Knowledge.
Education - As we will spend our life educating ourselves and our students as it is our Duty.
Study - As we will spend our life studying to Advance and Educate ourselves and our students as long as it is in our Power.
Article II – Membership
Section 1 Qualifications
Membership in the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter is open to undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni, faculty members, and other professional educators. Invitation to membership in an active chapter at an institution shall be dependent upon fulfillment of the following qualifications without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, or handicapping condition.
1.1 Undergraduate and Graduate Students
When seeking membership as a student, a candidate must:
1.11 Be enrolled in a Western Governors University School of Education program.
1.12 Have an 80% or higher cumulative SAP as measured by the most recent completed term; or for first term students, have completed 24 or more undergraduate units or 16 or more graduate units while in the first term at WGU.
1.13 Have the Fundamentals of Diversity, Inclusion, and Exceptional Learners course (or its equivalent) documented as passed on the degree plan if it is part of the student's program.
1.14 Be recommended by their mentor of record. Mentors will be informed that a current student has applied; no response from the mentor indicates consent. Mentors who feel that their student should not be invited to membership should reply to the Counselors and explain why. The mentor might know of a significant disposition concern, ongoing problems with educational staff and situations, or that the student has no long term career plans for education. If that is so, an education honor society membership is not appropriate for that student.
This meets the KDP requirements to:
• Exemplify worthy educational ideals;
• Express an intention of continuing in the field of education; and
• Give evidence of leadership abilities.
1.15 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.2 Faculty
When seeking membership as a faculty member, a candidate must:
1.21 Be a faculty member of Western Governors University.
1.22 Give evidence of support for the Chapter and its programs.
1.23 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.3 Alumni
When seeking membership as an alumnus, a candidate must:
1.31 Provide a letter of recommendation from an administrator or other licensed educator referencing long term commitment to the field of education, leadership, and service; or proof of a prior non-Western Governors University education degree for a Bachelor’s degree transcript, indicating at least a 3.2 GPA for a Bachelor’s Degree or a 3.5 GPA for a Master’s Degree.
1.32 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.4 Professional Members
When seeking membership as a professional member, a candidate must:
1.41 Hold a Master’s or other advanced degree; or Obtain two letters of recommendation from two supervising administrators.
1.42 Have a distinguished performance record consistent with the ideals of Kappa Delta Pi.
1.43 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.5 Honorary Members
Qualifications and limitations include:
1.51 Record of distinguished service in the cause of education.
1.52 Honorary membership is not open to a person eligible for another membership category listed above or one who holds a degree in education.
1.53 No chapter may elect more than two (2) persons to honorary membership during any one Society year.
1.54 A person approved for an honorary membership shall be initiated according to the appropriate ritual with their first year’s chapter and society dues, as well as the initiation fees, paid by the chapter.
1.55 Pay annual chapter and society dues after their first year.
Section 2 Chapter Membership
2.1 Election to Membership
Undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni, faculty members, and other professional educators that meet chapter membership requirements will be initiated into the chapter.
The number of faculty initiated at any one initiation ceremony shall not exceed the number of student initiates.
2.2 Transfer of Membership between Chapters
An active member of the Society may transfer membership from one chapter to another with the appropriate notification to the Society Headquarters. Multiple chapter memberships are permissible.
2.3 Involuntary Suspension of Individual Members
A member may be suspended for cause. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter executive committee is required for suspension of chapter membership, and a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Council is required for suspension of Society membership.
2.31 Cause may include any of the following:
2.311 Failure to maintain an 80% cumulative SAP at the end of each term.
2.312 Dropping out of or dismissal from school.
2.313 Revocation of teaching privileges.
2.314 Violation of the “Code of Student Conduct” as established by Western Governors University which includes any violation of the “Teachers College Code of Professional Behaviors and Dispositions.”
2.315 Failure to maintain KDP requirements which are to:
• Exemplify worthy educational ideals;
• Express an intention of continuing in the field of education;
• And give evidence of leadership abilities.
Article III – Finances
The Chapter Treasurer, with the assistance of the Counselor, shall keep accurate records of the assets and the liabilities of the Chapter, and shall receive and expend Chapter monies as the Executive Committee directs.
Section 1 Initiation Fee
The Chapter shall remit to the Society Headquarters of Kappa Delta Pi required information for each initiate, along with the required fees, within two weeks of initiation. The initiate will pay a one-time $10 initiation fee.
Section 2 Local Annual Dues
Annual dues for the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter are $12 a year. Annual dues shall be determined by a majority vote of active members present at a regular Chapter meeting and submitted to Headquarters on the Annual Report. Annual local dues are not to exceed annual Society dues.
Section 3 National Dues
Annual dues for Kappa Delta Pi are determined by Kappa Delta Pi and will be adjusted in accordance.
Article IV – Initiation
All candidates for membership in the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter shall be initiated according to the prescribed Society ritual. Members initiated previously by another chapter of the Society may be formally received into the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter according to the official Society reaffirmation ritual.
Article V – Chapter Officers
Officers of this chapter will include the Immediate Past-President, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Chair. All elected positions will be held by the incoming officer for two years, other than the Immediate Past President who will only serve a single year.
The Immediate Past President will serve as an advisor to the current President and will have no voting rights other than that of a normal chapter member, unless at the request of the current President, the Immediate Past President may vote in executive council votes only if a tie-breaker vote is needed.
Section 1 Qualifications
All candidates for officer positions should be active members of both the Society and the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter.
Section 2 Election
Officers shall be elected and installed a minimum of once each biennial academic year and be reported to Headquarters no later than two weeks after elections are completed.
2.1 Method of Election:
2.11 Elections will be held in March of each biennial year ending in a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
2.12 Nominations for officers will open in February and will be open for a two week period.
2.13 Chapter officers for the ensuing term shall be elected through a ballot, or link to a ballot, sent to all active members in March, to be held for a two week period.
2.14 Incoming elected officers will be installed in April.
2.2 Voting for Officer:
2.21 Majority vote of active members participating in the vote shall be required for election.
2.22 Candidates will be elected through either a ballot sent to active members or through a link which members can use to vote on candidates.
2.3 Vacancies in Office:
2.31 Should a chapter office become vacant because of resignation, neglect of duty, or other causes, the Counselor and/or President may call a special meeting of officers for the purpose of filling the vacancy.
2.32 The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy in office occurring during the interim, until the office can be filled, or until the next election, as determined by the President.
2.33 If nominations are to be accepted for a vacant office they will be accepted for one week following the notification of an opening in the office.
2.34 Voting for the vacant office will take place during the week following the acceptance of nominations.
2.35 If an election is held to fill a vacant position, after voting, a special meeting will be held to swear the winner of the election into their position.
Article VI – Chapter Counselor(s)
Each Chapter must have a minimum of one Counselor.
Section 1 Qualifications
The Chapter Counselor must be a member of the university faculty or staff, if an institutional chapter, and an active member of the chapter.
Section 2 Selection of Counselor and Associate Counselor(s)
Each active institutional chapter shall have a Chapter Counselor selected from the faculty or staff of the institution. In such chapters where there is no Counselor, the Director of the Teacher Education Programs will be asked to perform the duties of Counselor after appropriate consultation with the members. In addition to Counselor, each chapter may select one or more Associate Counselors. All provisions applicable to the Chapter Counselor shall apply to Associate Counselors. However, at institutional chapters, the Associate Counselor(s) need not be a faculty or staff member.
Section 3 Notification of Counselor Appointment or Change
The name of the Counselor shall be forwarded to the Chapter Services Department within two weeks of Counselor appointment or change. A certificate confirming the appointment shall be forwarded to the new Counselor.
Section 4 Removal of Counselor from Office
The Executive Council may, for cause, declare the office of Chapter Counselor vacant. Should this happen, representatives from the Society will work with the institution to appoint a replacement.
Article VII – Meetings
The chapter will hold at least four meetings during the society year. Two of these meetings will include initiations, while the other two meetings will be general member meetings.
Section 1 Quorum
Quorum for the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is 15 active members, including at least 3 members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2 Dissolution of Chapter
The process for elective dissolution of a chapter can be found in the Society bylaws.
Section 3 Chapter Web Page
The Chapter Web Page shall:
3.1 Support the ideals, mission, and goals of the Society.
3.2 Not conflict in any way with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.
3.3 Contain the following disclaimer: The opinions and comments expressed via this electronic forum do not necessarily reflect the views of Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education.
Article VIII – Committees
Each chapter may maintain the following committees according to their chapter model selected annually.
Section 1 Executive Committee
The executive committee shall consist of the current officers of the chapter including the Counselor and Associate Counselor(s), where there are such officers, and the immediate Past-President, for a term of two years to assist the current President. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to supervise the general activities of the chapter, serve as the official agency for communication, act in emergencies between meetings of the chapter, conduct initiations, and ensure the completion of all required reports.
Section 2 Standing Committees
The following committees shall be appointed annually:
2.1 Membership Committee. The Membership Chair shall direct the Membership Committee. The membership committee shall: receive names of candidates’ suggestion for membership; obtain a list of valid candidates from the chapter Counselor, Co-Counselor, designated faculty member or appropriate college/university staff administrator; prepare a list of eligible candidates; and, together with the required information, present this to the appropriate chapter body.
2.2 Program Committee. The Vice President shall direct the Program Committee. This committee shall be responsible for planning programs for the chapter.
2.3 Fund-Raising Committee. The fund-raising committee shall be responsible for planning fund-raising projects for the chapter, the Kappa Delta Pi Educational Foundation, and/or external organizations the missions of which are consistent with Kappa Delta Pi.
Article IX – Amendments
The Bylaws of the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by a 2/3 vote of active members present, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) has been sent to all active Chapter members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Chapter bylaws must be reviewed every two years and ratified by the chapter membership.
Minor addendums, corrections, and changes may be made to the chapter bylaws with the approval of the executive committee and the Kappa Delta Pi Area Representative, without the approval of the membership. All addendums will be shared with the membership in a timely manner.
Section 1 Name
The designation for the Western Governors University Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter.
Section 2 Purpose
The purpose of the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is to promote excellence in and recognition of outstanding contributions to education. Kappa Delta Pi shall endeavor to maintain a high degree of professional fellowship among its members, to quicken professional growth, and to honor achievement in educational work. To these ends, it shall invite to membership persons who exhibit commendable professional qualities, worthy educational ideals, and sound scholarship, without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, or disability.
Section 3 Chapter Year
The chapter year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.
Section 4 Authority
In all matters of organization and procedures, the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rituals of the International Society of Kappa Delta Pi shall have precedence and should be consulted.
Section 5 Motto
The motto of the chapter shall be “Advancement-Education-Study” explained as follows:
Advancement - As we will spend our life advancing ourselves and our students Knowledge.
Education - As we will spend our life educating ourselves and our students as it is our Duty.
Study - As we will spend our life studying to Advance and Educate ourselves and our students as long as it is in our Power.
Article II – Membership
Section 1 Qualifications
Membership in the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter is open to undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni, faculty members, and other professional educators. Invitation to membership in an active chapter at an institution shall be dependent upon fulfillment of the following qualifications without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, or handicapping condition.
1.1 Undergraduate and Graduate Students
When seeking membership as a student, a candidate must:
1.11 Be enrolled in a Western Governors University School of Education program.
1.12 Have an 80% or higher cumulative SAP as measured by the most recent completed term; or for first term students, have completed 24 or more undergraduate units or 16 or more graduate units while in the first term at WGU.
1.13 Have the Fundamentals of Diversity, Inclusion, and Exceptional Learners course (or its equivalent) documented as passed on the degree plan if it is part of the student's program.
1.14 Be recommended by their mentor of record. Mentors will be informed that a current student has applied; no response from the mentor indicates consent. Mentors who feel that their student should not be invited to membership should reply to the Counselors and explain why. The mentor might know of a significant disposition concern, ongoing problems with educational staff and situations, or that the student has no long term career plans for education. If that is so, an education honor society membership is not appropriate for that student.
This meets the KDP requirements to:
• Exemplify worthy educational ideals;
• Express an intention of continuing in the field of education; and
• Give evidence of leadership abilities.
1.15 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.2 Faculty
When seeking membership as a faculty member, a candidate must:
1.21 Be a faculty member of Western Governors University.
1.22 Give evidence of support for the Chapter and its programs.
1.23 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.3 Alumni
When seeking membership as an alumnus, a candidate must:
1.31 Provide a letter of recommendation from an administrator or other licensed educator referencing long term commitment to the field of education, leadership, and service; or proof of a prior non-Western Governors University education degree for a Bachelor’s degree transcript, indicating at least a 3.2 GPA for a Bachelor’s Degree or a 3.5 GPA for a Master’s Degree.
1.32 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.4 Professional Members
When seeking membership as a professional member, a candidate must:
1.41 Hold a Master’s or other advanced degree; or Obtain two letters of recommendation from two supervising administrators.
1.42 Have a distinguished performance record consistent with the ideals of Kappa Delta Pi.
1.43 Pay annual chapter and society dues.
1.5 Honorary Members
Qualifications and limitations include:
1.51 Record of distinguished service in the cause of education.
1.52 Honorary membership is not open to a person eligible for another membership category listed above or one who holds a degree in education.
1.53 No chapter may elect more than two (2) persons to honorary membership during any one Society year.
1.54 A person approved for an honorary membership shall be initiated according to the appropriate ritual with their first year’s chapter and society dues, as well as the initiation fees, paid by the chapter.
1.55 Pay annual chapter and society dues after their first year.
Section 2 Chapter Membership
2.1 Election to Membership
Undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni, faculty members, and other professional educators that meet chapter membership requirements will be initiated into the chapter.
The number of faculty initiated at any one initiation ceremony shall not exceed the number of student initiates.
2.2 Transfer of Membership between Chapters
An active member of the Society may transfer membership from one chapter to another with the appropriate notification to the Society Headquarters. Multiple chapter memberships are permissible.
2.3 Involuntary Suspension of Individual Members
A member may be suspended for cause. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter executive committee is required for suspension of chapter membership, and a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Council is required for suspension of Society membership.
2.31 Cause may include any of the following:
2.311 Failure to maintain an 80% cumulative SAP at the end of each term.
2.312 Dropping out of or dismissal from school.
2.313 Revocation of teaching privileges.
2.314 Violation of the “Code of Student Conduct” as established by Western Governors University which includes any violation of the “Teachers College Code of Professional Behaviors and Dispositions.”
2.315 Failure to maintain KDP requirements which are to:
• Exemplify worthy educational ideals;
• Express an intention of continuing in the field of education;
• And give evidence of leadership abilities.
Article III – Finances
The Chapter Treasurer, with the assistance of the Counselor, shall keep accurate records of the assets and the liabilities of the Chapter, and shall receive and expend Chapter monies as the Executive Committee directs.
Section 1 Initiation Fee
The Chapter shall remit to the Society Headquarters of Kappa Delta Pi required information for each initiate, along with the required fees, within two weeks of initiation. The initiate will pay a one-time $10 initiation fee.
Section 2 Local Annual Dues
Annual dues for the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter are $12 a year. Annual dues shall be determined by a majority vote of active members present at a regular Chapter meeting and submitted to Headquarters on the Annual Report. Annual local dues are not to exceed annual Society dues.
Section 3 National Dues
Annual dues for Kappa Delta Pi are determined by Kappa Delta Pi and will be adjusted in accordance.
Article IV – Initiation
All candidates for membership in the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter shall be initiated according to the prescribed Society ritual. Members initiated previously by another chapter of the Society may be formally received into the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter according to the official Society reaffirmation ritual.
Article V – Chapter Officers
Officers of this chapter will include the Immediate Past-President, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Chair. All elected positions will be held by the incoming officer for two years, other than the Immediate Past President who will only serve a single year.
The Immediate Past President will serve as an advisor to the current President and will have no voting rights other than that of a normal chapter member, unless at the request of the current President, the Immediate Past President may vote in executive council votes only if a tie-breaker vote is needed.
Section 1 Qualifications
All candidates for officer positions should be active members of both the Society and the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter.
Section 2 Election
Officers shall be elected and installed a minimum of once each biennial academic year and be reported to Headquarters no later than two weeks after elections are completed.
2.1 Method of Election:
2.11 Elections will be held in March of each biennial year ending in a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
2.12 Nominations for officers will open in February and will be open for a two week period.
2.13 Chapter officers for the ensuing term shall be elected through a ballot, or link to a ballot, sent to all active members in March, to be held for a two week period.
2.14 Incoming elected officers will be installed in April.
2.2 Voting for Officer:
2.21 Majority vote of active members participating in the vote shall be required for election.
2.22 Candidates will be elected through either a ballot sent to active members or through a link which members can use to vote on candidates.
2.3 Vacancies in Office:
2.31 Should a chapter office become vacant because of resignation, neglect of duty, or other causes, the Counselor and/or President may call a special meeting of officers for the purpose of filling the vacancy.
2.32 The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy in office occurring during the interim, until the office can be filled, or until the next election, as determined by the President.
2.33 If nominations are to be accepted for a vacant office they will be accepted for one week following the notification of an opening in the office.
2.34 Voting for the vacant office will take place during the week following the acceptance of nominations.
2.35 If an election is held to fill a vacant position, after voting, a special meeting will be held to swear the winner of the election into their position.
Article VI – Chapter Counselor(s)
Each Chapter must have a minimum of one Counselor.
Section 1 Qualifications
The Chapter Counselor must be a member of the university faculty or staff, if an institutional chapter, and an active member of the chapter.
Section 2 Selection of Counselor and Associate Counselor(s)
Each active institutional chapter shall have a Chapter Counselor selected from the faculty or staff of the institution. In such chapters where there is no Counselor, the Director of the Teacher Education Programs will be asked to perform the duties of Counselor after appropriate consultation with the members. In addition to Counselor, each chapter may select one or more Associate Counselors. All provisions applicable to the Chapter Counselor shall apply to Associate Counselors. However, at institutional chapters, the Associate Counselor(s) need not be a faculty or staff member.
Section 3 Notification of Counselor Appointment or Change
The name of the Counselor shall be forwarded to the Chapter Services Department within two weeks of Counselor appointment or change. A certificate confirming the appointment shall be forwarded to the new Counselor.
Section 4 Removal of Counselor from Office
The Executive Council may, for cause, declare the office of Chapter Counselor vacant. Should this happen, representatives from the Society will work with the institution to appoint a replacement.
Article VII – Meetings
The chapter will hold at least four meetings during the society year. Two of these meetings will include initiations, while the other two meetings will be general member meetings.
Section 1 Quorum
Quorum for the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is 15 active members, including at least 3 members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2 Dissolution of Chapter
The process for elective dissolution of a chapter can be found in the Society bylaws.
Section 3 Chapter Web Page
The Chapter Web Page shall:
3.1 Support the ideals, mission, and goals of the Society.
3.2 Not conflict in any way with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.
3.3 Contain the following disclaimer: The opinions and comments expressed via this electronic forum do not necessarily reflect the views of Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education.
Article VIII – Committees
Each chapter may maintain the following committees according to their chapter model selected annually.
Section 1 Executive Committee
The executive committee shall consist of the current officers of the chapter including the Counselor and Associate Counselor(s), where there are such officers, and the immediate Past-President, for a term of two years to assist the current President. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to supervise the general activities of the chapter, serve as the official agency for communication, act in emergencies between meetings of the chapter, conduct initiations, and ensure the completion of all required reports.
Section 2 Standing Committees
The following committees shall be appointed annually:
2.1 Membership Committee. The Membership Chair shall direct the Membership Committee. The membership committee shall: receive names of candidates’ suggestion for membership; obtain a list of valid candidates from the chapter Counselor, Co-Counselor, designated faculty member or appropriate college/university staff administrator; prepare a list of eligible candidates; and, together with the required information, present this to the appropriate chapter body.
2.2 Program Committee. The Vice President shall direct the Program Committee. This committee shall be responsible for planning programs for the chapter.
2.3 Fund-Raising Committee. The fund-raising committee shall be responsible for planning fund-raising projects for the chapter, the Kappa Delta Pi Educational Foundation, and/or external organizations the missions of which are consistent with Kappa Delta Pi.
Article IX – Amendments
The Bylaws of the Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by a 2/3 vote of active members present, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) has been sent to all active Chapter members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Chapter bylaws must be reviewed every two years and ratified by the chapter membership.
Minor addendums, corrections, and changes may be made to the chapter bylaws with the approval of the executive committee and the Kappa Delta Pi Area Representative, without the approval of the membership. All addendums will be shared with the membership in a timely manner.
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